The COP28 Presidency launched several voluntary initiatives across the four paradigm shifts (energy, finance, lives and livelihoods and inclusion), described above, in response to the emissions, finance and adaptation gaps to support a robust response to the GST that leaves no one behind. COP28’s Presidency Action plan is set on delivering long-lasting transformational impact that will advance key initiatives well beyond COP28 and help keep 1.5°C within reach. We have an important opportunity to work multilaterally on commitments to deliver on high-ambition decisions at COP28, including through the UAE Consensus. This can lead to real economy action for 2030 and help with setting of interim targets that strengthen the NDCs in 2025 in the lead-up to COP30.

A full list of announcements announced during COP28 is available through the Global Climate Action Portal. These require varying degrees of involvement going forward - coordination and follow-up with parties/companies, and longer-term collaboration with global institutes or other entities, to ensure outcomes are part of future work beyond the terms of the COP28 Presidency. Accountability is key to any commitment and with accountability comes responsibility to ensure that initiatives launched at COP28 are implemented with the needed support mechanisms to ensure coordination and full implementation.

What happens at a COP should go beyond the COP and can help build confidence that pledges to deliver real action ensuring credibility of announcements.


The COP28 President would like to acknowledge appreciation for all the support received at COP28 from the following ministerial pairs for undertaking consultations on behalf of the Presidency:

  • The Global Stocktake: Co-facilitated by Barbara Creecy, Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Fisheries (South Africa), and Dan Jørgensen, Minister for Development and Global Climate Policy (Denmark);
  • Mitigation: Co-facilitated by Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment (Singapore), and Espen Barth Eide, Minister of Foreign Affairs (Norway);
  • Adaptation: Co-facilitated by Jennifer McAllister, Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy (Australia), and Maisa Rojas, Minister of the Environment (Chile);
  • Finance: Co-facilitated by Yasmine Fouad, Minister of the Environment (Egypt), and Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change (Canada).