The Youth Climate Champion (YCC), is uniquely positioned to serve as the missing bridge between the COP Presidency and youth stakeholders, as well as streamlining youth coordination between governments, and UNFCCC.

The YCC will be responsible for mainstreaming youth participation and voice in the COP28 process and mobilizing substantive youth policy input and outcomes.

The YCC role aims to amplify all voices under the age of 35, with a special emphasis on youth from most vulnerable communities such as indigenous peoples, those with disabilities, and communities at highest risk​.

History of the Role​

Building on the foundations of the COP27 Youth Envoy, the UAE created the role of the Youth Climate Champion​

YCC Strategy “PAVE”

YCC Championing Meaningful Youth Inclusion
Across Global Climate Events

LDC 5 Conference

LDC5 Conference, Qatar, March

The YCC team held several consultations with youth from SIDS and LDCs attending LDC5 to gather their input on how to ensure meaningful youth inclusion at COP28 and announce the International Youth Climate Delegate Program (IYCDP), including how the program can best deliver for youth from the most climate affected countries and people of determination. The team also met with various UN agencies and other stakeholders to discuss the YCC role and how it could best serve as a bridge between youth, UNFCCC, and the Presidency.

ECOSOC Youth Forum

ECOSOC Youth Forum, USA, April

The YCC team gathered youth worldwide at a series of events in the UAE Permanent Mission to the UN, including a co-organized event with UNDP titled “Harnessing the Power of Youth Climate Action” with 0+ climate action leaders gathered to eQchange solutions on meaningful youth inclusion, a dedicated youth circle with 30+ participants to gather feedback for an inclusive COP, and a networking event that fostered connections among youth.

Petersberg Climate Dialogue

Petersberg Climate Dialogue, Germany, May

The COP28 Presidency supported high youth participation in the crucial Petersberg Climate Dialogue which sets the early ambition for COP, including 3 UAE youth delegates and YOUNGO joining the ministerial thematic discussions.

SB58 Bonn Climate Conference

SB58 Bonn Climate Conference, Germany, June

The Youth Stocktake was launched at SB58 to review youth policy input processes into UNFCCC and identify opportunities for improvement in collaboration with YOUNGO. In addition, 10 international and UAE delegates actively participated in various discussions.

africa climate week

Africa Climate Week, Kenya, September

At Africa Climate Week, delegates engaged in different dialogues, representing their communities at a global level. Moreover, the YCC connected with influential youth leaders working to address climate change in Kibera, Nairobi, and selected two young leaders to represent their community at COP28.


78th Session of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 78), USA, September

During UNGA 78, delegates actively engaged in key initiatives, including the SG’s Climate Ambition Summit, among other climate dialogues. The YCC team also hosted the first Youth Ambition Majlis, connecting young climate leaders from diverse organizations to the COP28 Presidency.

mena climate week image

Middle East and North Africa Climate Week, Saudi Arabia, October

During Middle East and North Africa Climate Week, delegates actively championed youth priorities and underrepresented perspectives in key sessions. Collaborating with YOUNGO and UN agencies, the YCC led impactful events, including a Youth Stocktake review session, an assessment of the challenges for youth inclusion in UNFCCC processes, and the launch of the Arab Youth Center’s COY18 & COP28 Youth Toolkit, preparing youth for the participation at COY18 and COP28.

Youth4Climate, Italy, October

During Youth4Climate, led by Italy and UNDP, five International Youth Climate Delegates engaged in meaningful dialogues, with three winning the global innovation challenge and receiving up to $20,000 each for their climate action projects. YCC also co-led the main plenary session with Italian government officials, emphasizing the crucial role of youth in climate action and promoting youth-led solutions.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week, Panama, October

During the Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week, delegates demonstrated expertise in oceans, adaptation, and indigenous matters through impactful speeches. YCC team lead two pivotal events: a Changemakers Majlis encouraging dynamic youth discussions on regional challenges, and a collaborative session with UNICEF, UNDP, and RCOY Latin America to explore ways for meaningful youth inclusion.

Pre-COP, UAE, October

The Global Youth Statement was presented for the first time during Pre-COP, in partnership with YOUNGO. Furthermore, a record number of 30 youth attendees actively participated in Pre-COP sessions.

Asia- Pacific Climate Week, Malaysia, November

Youth delegates took center stage in Asia-Pacific Climate Week through engaging in several panel discussions and intergenerational dialogues aiming at bridging the generational gap and strongly advocating for their communities.

roundtable dialogue on
'children, youth, peace and climate security'